"Aminteste-ti de cele 3 reguli ale fericirii:
1) Curata-ti inima de ura, frica, egoism!
2) Simplifica-ti viata si fa-o mai frumoasa!
3) Daruieste mai mult si asteapta mai putin!"
„Cel mai bun vaccin impotriva bolilor infectioase comune este o dieta adecvata.” (Organizatia Mondiala a Sanatatii)

Otetul - un univers de curatenie si sanatate

Un truc simplu care scoate pesticidele din legume si fructe
(Simple Trick Removes Pesticides from Your Vegetables and Fruits)
Otetul poate fi folosit pentru a indeparta pesticidele si bacteriile din produsele dvs. proaspete. Nu aveti nevoie de otet de mere pentru asta, orice alt otet alb este bun.
Gayle Povis Alleman, MS, RD recomanda o solutie de 10% otet la 90% apa pentru o baie care sa produca o scurta   imbibare. Doar plasati legumele sau fructele in solutie, "fosniti-le" pe acolo si clatiti foarte bine.
Nu folositi acest proces pentru fructe fragile (cum sunt cele de padure) pentru ca pot fi distruse sau pot absoarbi prea mult otet prin pielita fina si poroasa.

Alte intrebuintari ale otetului
Howard Garrett, also known as The Dirt Doctor, has compiled a number of uses for vinegar, including recipes for both internal use and use in your organic garden, which I will share with you here.
"Vinegar is a wonderful organic tool that was discovered by accident 10,000 years ago when wine was accidentally allowed to ferment too long and turned sour," he writes.
"It can be made from many products, including beer, apples, berries, beets, corn, fruits, grains, honey, malt, maple syrup, melons, molasses, potatoes, rice, sorghum, and other foods containing sugar.
Natural sugars from these food products are fermented into alcohol, which is then fermented into vinegar."
... The product label will identify the starting ingredients, such as "apple cider vinegar" or "wine vinegar."  Malt vinegar is made from the fermentation of barley malt or other cereal grains.  Sugar vinegar is made from sugar, syrup, or molasses.
White, spirit, or distilled vinegar is made by fermenting distilled alcohol. Distilled white vinegar is made from 190 proof alcohol that is fermented by adding sugar and living bacteria.
... Vinegar that is made from the petroleum derivative, 99 percent acetic acid, is not acceptable in an organic program."
The name "vinegar" comes from the French words for "sour wine." But it's important to realize that not all vinegars are created equally. Some can benefit your health when taken internally, while others should only be used for tasks such as cleaning, or horticultural purposes, while others are best avoided altogether.

Otetul alb—Un agent de curatare grozav si de asemenea ingredient pentru un erbicid

Distilled white vinegar is the type of vinegar you'll want to use for cleaning and laundry. Toward the end of this article I'll also share Garrett's recipe for a non-toxic weed killer formula, which calls for white vinegar. Vinegar and water makes an excellent window cleaner, for example, and vinegar combined with hydrogen peroxide works exceptionally well as both a disinfectant and sanitizer. According to Garrett:
"Sprinkling white vinegar atop a dusting of baking soda is terrific for cleaning sinks, tubs, tile floors and other surfaces. For cleaning, it can be diluted with water as much as 50-50. For the herbicide, it should be used full strength.  In all cases, the products to buy in this category are true vinegars made by distilling grain alcohol. For the purists, there is organic white vinegar made from corn."

Avoid 20% Vinegar

Garrett warns against using 20 percent vinegar, which is made from 99 percent glacial ascetic acid, stating it's far stronger than you'd ever really need, in addition to being overly expensive. Perhaps more importantly, this type of vinegar is actually a petroleum derivative, which is dangerous to breathe and can be damaging to your eyes and skin.
"One final warning is that some of the 10 percent vinegars being sold to naïve organic gardeners are the fake 20 percent product that has been cut with water. Proper vinegars should have on the label that they are made from distilled grain alcohol or other similar language indicating natural products from distilling," Garrett warns.

Apple Cider Vinegar—Good for Your Health

The cider vinegars, made from fermenting fruits such as apples, have little value as cleaners or herbicides. Instead, these are the types of vinegar associated with a number of different health benefits when taken internally. There are two basic categories of cider vinegars:
  • Regular apple cider vinegar
  • Organic apple cider vinegar with the "mother" included
When purchasing an apple cider vinegar, you'll want to avoid the perfectly clear, "sparkling clean" varieties you commonly see on grocery store shelves. Instead, you want organic, unfiltered, unprocessed apple cider vinegar, which is murky and brown. When you try to look through it, you will notice a cobweb-like substance floating in it. This is known as "mother," and it indicates your vinegar is of good quality. While it may look suspicious at first, in this case, it's the murky looking stuff you want. As with everything else, the more processed a food is, the less nutritious it is, and this holds true for apple cider vinegar.
Surprisingly enough, while apple cider vinegar has historically been prized for its health benefits, little research has been done to evaluate its therapeutic actions. However, lack of scientific studies is a common problem for many natural and alternative therapies.
Perhaps the most researched and the most promising of apple cider vinegar's benefits are in the area of type 2 diabetes. Several studies have found that vinegar may help lower blood glucose levels. In 2004, a study cited in the American Diabetes Foundation's publication Diabetes Care1 found that taking vinegar before meals significantly increased insulin sensitivity and dramatically reduced the insulin and glucose spikes that occur after meals. The study involved 29 people, divided into three groups:
  1. One third had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
  2. One third had prediabetic signs.
  3. One third were healthy.
The results were quite significant:
  • All three groups had better blood glucose readings with the vinegar than with the placebo.
  • People with prediabetic symptoms benefitted the most from the vinegar, cutting their blood glucose concentrations by nearly half.
  • People with diabetes improved their blood glucose levels by 25 percent with vinegar.
  • People with prediabetic symptoms had lower blood glucose than the healthy participants after both drank vinegar.
follow-up study geared at testing vinegar's long-term effects yielded an unexpected but pleasant side effect: moderate weight loss. In this study, participants taking two tablespoons of vinegar prior to two meals per day lost an average of two pounds over the four-week period, and some lost up to four pounds.  In 2007, another study cited by WebMD2 involving 11 people with type 2 diabetes found taking two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before bed lowered glucose levels in the morning by 4 to 6 percent. Although the research to date looks favorable, more studies are needed to confirm the extent of vinegar's insulin stabilization benefits.

Other Apple Cider Vinegar "Cures"

Although this article and many others advocate the benefits of using vinegar therapeutically, I really think that this is an inferior approach. From my perspective it would be far better to use large quantities of fermented foods to get these types of acids because you will then also help to recolonize your gut with beneficial bacteria.  However, vinegar is easier and certainly safe to use, so you can put your toe in the water by trying it first.  Garrett, however, has been a long-time proponent of vinegar, recommending it for a number of uses.
"Apple cider vinegar might cure more ailments than any other folk remedy," he writes. Vinegar apparently provides at least some cures for allergies (including pet, food and environmental), sinus infections, acne, high cholesterol, flu, chronic fatigue, Candida, acid reflux, sore throats, contact dermatitis, arthritis, gout and the list goes on... It also brings a healthy, rosy glow to the complexion and can cure rough scaly skin. Apple cider vinegar is also wonderful for animals, including dogs, cats and horses. It helps with arthritic conditions, controls fleas, repels flies, and gives a beautiful shine to their coats."
As an example, Garrett has shared the following recipe with me, which can help soothe a sore throat:
"Use 3 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar, 3 tbsp. lemon juice, 2 tbsp. of honey and 16 oz. water, and warm to sipping temperature and sip. Adding juice from chopped ginger can be used for more power."

What Can Account for Apple Cider Vinegar's Health Benefits?

Many who tout apple cider vinegar's wide-ranging benefits claim its healing power comes from the abundance of nutrients that remain after the apples are fermented. However, standard nutritional analyses of apple cider vinegar have found it to be a surprisingly poor source of most nutrients. For example, the one milligram of calcium found in a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar does not come close to the 1,000 milligrams a typical adult needs each day.
It has also been claimed that soluble fiber in the vinegar, in the form of pectin, binds to cholesterol and helps carry it out of your body, thereby improving your lipid profile. However, apple cider vinegar contains no measurable pectin or any other fiber, for that matter.
Its magic can also not be traced to vitamin content. According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), apple cider vinegar has no measurable vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, beta-carotene, or folate -- and it's equally lacking in amino acids, lycopene, or any other nutritional elements.
Still, despite the fact that it's devoid of many of the traditionally valued nutrients, evidence of apple cider vinegar's health benefits has been witnessed for hundreds -- maybe thousands -- of years. So, what can explain this mysteriously beneficial elixir?
It may be partially related to the fact that vinegar is a diluted acid, specifically acetic acid, which help to normalize your body's pH. This likely improves nutrition, by optimizing your gut flora and helping eradicate pathogenic or disease-causing bacteria, and by serving as growth accelerators for beneficial bacteria that typically thrive in more acid environments. This is also one of the reasons why eating fermented foods is so important.  

Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs

Pet care is another area where vinegar can be a useful, non-toxic, all-natural tool. According to Garrett:
Vinegar is a remedy with multiple uses for dogs including alleviating allergies and arthritis, and helping to provide the correct pH balance. You can give apple cider vinegar to any animal by simply adding it to the water.
If your dog has itchy skin, the beginnings of a hot spot, incessantly washes its feet, has smelly ears, or is picky about his food, an application of apple cider vinegar can help. For poor appetite, use it in the food at 1 tablespoon, two times a day for a 50 lb. dog. For itchy skin or the beginning hot spots, put apple cider vinegar into a spray bottle, part the hair and spray on. Any skin eruption will dry up in as soon as 24 hours and shaving the dog won't be necessary – which is good because I never recommend that. If the skin is already broken, dilute apple cider vinegar with an equal amount of water and spray on.
Taken internally, apple cider vinegar is credited with maintaining the acid/alkaline balance of the digestive tract. I take a large spoonful straight or in my "witches brew" in the morning that I drink at least once a day.
Another tip is if you have a dog that has clear, watery discharge from the eyes, a runny nose, or coughs with a liquid sound, use apple cider vinegar in his or her food. One teaspoon twice a day for a 50 lb. dog will do the job.
After grooming sessions, use a few drops in dogs' ears after cleaning them to avoid ear infections. Fleas, flies, ticks and bacteria, external parasites, ring worm, fungus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, mange, etc. are unlikely to inhabit a dog whose system is acidic inside and out.
Should you ever experience any of these with your dog, bathe with a nice gentle herbal shampoo - one that you would use on your own hair - rinse thoroughly with vinegar, and then sponge on apple cider vinegar diluted with equal amounts of warm water. Allow your dog to drip dry. It is not necessary to use harsh chemicals for minor flea infestations. All fleas drown in soapy water and the apple cider vinegar rinse makes the skin too acidic for a re-infestation. If you are worried about picking up fleas when you take your dog away from home, keep some apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle, and spray your dog before you leave home and when you get back. For raw spots caused by excessive licking, use a few drops in water, and sponge the affected areas with apple cider vinegar.

Horticultural Uses for Vinegar

Vinegar can also be used to control weeds in your garden. According to Garrett:
To keep the weeds out of a decorative or utility gravel area, the best approach is to design them out from the beginning or use organic products later to kill the weeds. Salt, toxic herbicides and bleach should never be used because they contaminate the soil long term. They also leach into the water stream. To head off the problem, install the gravel in a thick layer – 6 to 8 inches after scraping away all grasses and weeds.
Any weeds that grow through the gravel can be sprayed and killed with a mix of 10 percent pickling vinegar mixed with 2 ounces orange oil and 1 teaspoon liquid soap or you can use commercial organic herbicides. Vinegar sprays can also be used to kill weeds in the cracks in sidewalks and driveways. The best choice for herbicide use is 10 percent white vinegar made from grain alcohol. It should be used full strength. Avoid products that are made from 99 percent glacial acetic acid. This material is a petroleum derivative. Natural vinegars such those made from fermenting apples have little herbicidal value.
Herbicide Formula:
1 gallon of 10 percent (100 grain) vinegar
Add 1 ounce orange oil or d-limonene
Add 1 tablespoon molasses (optional - some say it doesn't help)
1 teaspoon liquid soap or other surfactant (I use Bio Wash)
Do not add water
Shake well before each spraying and spot spray weeds. Keep the spray off desirable plants. This spray will injure any plant it touches. This natural spray works best on warm to hot days. Vinegar sprayed on the bases of trees and other woody plants will not hurt the plant at all. This technique was first learned about by spraying the suckers and weeds growing around the bases of grapevines.
If your water is alkaline, add 1 tablespoon of 50-grain (5 percent) natural apple cider vinegar to each gallon of water to improve the quality of the water for potted plants and bedding. This doesn't have to be done with every watering, though it wouldn't hurt. This technique is especially helpful when trying to grow acid-loving plants such as gardenias, azaleas, and dogwoods. A tablespoon of vinegar per gallon added to the sprayer when foliar feeding lawns, shrubs, flowers, and trees is also highly beneficial, especially where soil or water is alkaline. The other horticultural use for vinegar is in the watering can.

For hair care

Apple cider vinegar has also long been used as a natural hair care product. Its acidity is close to that of human hair; it's a good conditioner and cleaning agent, as well as an effective germ killer. You can visit www.apple-cider-vinegar-benefits.com for information on how to make a vinegar hair rinse.

Otetul – detergent natural si fara toxine

Dacă intri într-un magazin, vei vedea culoare întregi pline cu cele mai recente produse ce promit să îţi economisească timpul şi energia, în timp ce îţi fac casa strălucitor de curată.
Din păcate, multe dintre aceste produse conţin chimicale toxice care îţi pot afecta sănătatea şi mediul.
Până la Al Doilea Război Mondial, ne descurcam perfect la curăţat cu ingrediente normale de bucătărie, cum ar fi lămâile, sarea, oţetul şi bicarbonatul de sodiu.
Publicitatea ne-a făcut să credem că avem nevoie de o multitudine de produse – căte unul pentru fiecare cameră. Unul pentru chiuvetă, unul pentru cadă, unul pentru podele, unul pentru depunerile de calcar…şi lista nu se mai termină.
Astăzi vreau să vorbesc despre oţetul alb, care este un produs uimitor.
Geamurile şi oglinzile tale vor străluci cu un minim efort, lăsând totul fără urmă de mizerie. Ceainice, robinete, capete de duş şi vase de toaletă nu vor mai avea nici un fel de depunere de calcar. Mirosurile vor dispărea în mod natural.
Mucegaiul va fi păstrat la distanţă dacă îţi faci obiceiul de a stropi faianţa şi perdeaua de la duş cu oţet, după baie. Podelele tari vor rămâne fără grăsime sau alte urme, şi lucioase în acelaşi timp.
Şi, dacă asta nu e destul, poţi să cureţi şi fundurile de bucătărie cu oţet, să îndepărtezi furnicile şi îl poţi adăuga şi la ciclul de stoarcere al maşinii de spălat pentru a-ţi înmuia hainele.
Tot ce trebuie să faci este să umpli pe jumătate o sticlă cu pulverizator cu oţet alb, să o umpli până sus cu apă şi gata! Foloseşte o bucată de material cu fibre mici şi casa ta vă străluci cât ai clipi din ochi.
Mulţi oameni sunt îngrijoraţi de miros, dar acesta se disipează pe măsură ce se usucă şi nu rămâne în aer pentru prea mult timp.
Nu dusul este de vina! Ci depunerile de calcar, care nu mai lasa apa sa iasa prin orificii. Introdu capatul dusului metalic intr-o punga din plastic (mai rezistent!) in care ai turnat otet cat sa-l acopere. Leaga bine capatul pungii si lasa la inmuiat peste noapte. Daca “para” dusului nu s-a curatat complet, repeta operatia.
Branza tine mai mult… …daca o invelesti intr-o bucata de panza inmuiata in otet.
Nu mai ramane nimic! Petele care apar de la deodorantul spray pe bluze, rochii etc. in zona subratului sunt inestetice, neplacute. Ca sa le faci sa dispara, pulverizeaza otet pe zona respectiva cu cateva ore inainte sa le speli.
Un covor aproape nou.
Ti se pare ca persanul tau s-a decolorat? Amesteca o parte otet cu doua parti apa fiarta si freaca temeinic suprafata acestuia. Daca timpul iti permite, ar fi bine sa procedezi la fel dupa fiecare aspirare.
Daca ti-ai patat mainile cu cerneala, curata-le bine cu o periuta inmuiata intr-o solutie de otet si sare. Spala-te apoi ca de obicei, cu apa si sapun.
Vei vedea mai bine de la volan
Vrei ca in diminetile de iarna sa nu-ti mai pierzi timpul cu indepartarea stratului de gheata format noaptea pe parbriz? Atunci, seara de seara, sterge-l bine cu o solutie din otet (trei parti) si apa (o parte).
Improspatati-va draperiile.
Amestecati o lingura de otet alb cu doua cani de apa calda si varsati amestecul intr-un flacon cu pulverizator. Aspirati-va bine perdelele, apoi stropiti-le cu solutia otetata, fara a le desprinde de pe suport. Cand se usuca, cutele formate cu vremea dispar, la fel ca si mirosul statut de mucegai sau fum de tigara.
Cenusa din soba sau semineu
O pulverizare usoara cu otet impiedica raspandirea cenusei in casa, cand e scoasa din soba sau semineu. Imbibati si ziarul pe care scoateti cenusa cu solutie de otet (o lingura la doua cesti de apa) si operatia de curatire va decurge usor si igienic.
Lumina mai stralucitoare
Optimizati lumina din casa, curatind becurile cu apa cu otet (o lingura de otet la un litru de apa). Stergeti becurile reci cu o carpa inmuiata in solutie, apoi uscati-le cu un stergar care nu lasa scame.
Parchet lucios
Ceara de parchet va dura mai mult timp si va luci mai puternic daca inainte de a o aplica, spalati parchetul cu apa amestecata cu otet. O cana de otet pusa intr-o jumatate de caldare de apa calda reprezinta formula optima.
Ingrijirea peretilor
Peretii dati cu vinarom se curata cu apa sapunita (clabuc de sapun), apoi se clatesc cu amestec de apa calda si otet alb, in proportie de 1/2 cana de otet la o jumatate de caldare de apa.
Sfesnice din sticla sau ceramica
Inmuiati sfesnicele in apa foarte fierbinte amestecata cu detergent. Frecati ramasitele de ceara cu un burete, apoi clatiti-le in apa calda, in care puneti putin otet alb. Ungeti cu ulei partea unde se insereaza lumanarea in sfesnic. Dupa ce arde, va fi mai usor de scos.
Amestec ideal pentru geamuri
O lingura de otet alb, o lingura de amoniac, 3 picaturi de detergent lichid, o cana de apa. Amestecati componentele si puneti-le intr-un flacon cu pompa. Agitati bine inainte de a vaporiza sticla ferestrelor, apoi stergeti cu un somoiog de hartie de ziar sau cu o carpa moale.
Cum se inlatura mucegaiul 
Prezent mai ales in locurile umede din bucatarie, mucegaiul este o ciuperca moale, spongioasa, respingatoare ca infatisare, de culoare alba, neagra sau verzui-violacee. Ea creste mai ales in locurile neaerisite si intunecoase, unde persista o atmosfera calda si umeda. Se dezvolta mai ales in zonele de evacuare a apei din dusuri si bai, hranindu-se din grasimile pe care le eliminam prin spalare si din particule de murdarie. Cel mai bun antidot: otetul! Frecati zonele metalice in care s-a format mucegai mai intai cu o hartie de smirghel, inmuiata in otet. Utilizati apoi o periuta de dinti inmuiata in otet, pentru zonele la care se ajunge mai greu. Clatiti cu apa curata, apoi cu otet, stergeti locul cu o carpa uscata.
Cum se inlatura pelicula de sapun
Diferitele parti ale dusului si robinetele de la chiuveta si bai sunt amenintate permanent de formarea unei depuneri de sapun, care devine rezistenta in timp. Otetul si bicarbonatul de sodiu le elimina. E suficient sa umpleti o cana de bicarbonat in care sa adaugati atata otet cat sa se formeze o pasta si aveti solutia la indemana. Aplicati-o pe zonele acoperite cu pelicula de sapun si lasati sa actioneze 5 minute. Frecati cu un burete, clatiti cu apa cu otet, stergeti cu o carpa uscata.
Cum scapati de mirosul urat din baie
In loc sa utilizati spray-uri toxice pentru improspatarea aerului din baie, folositi apa amestecata cu otet de mere, pusa intr-un recipient cu sifon. Va inlatura cele mai neplacute mirosuri. Vaporizarile cu otet, in loc de parfum floral, sunt recomandate mai ales in casele locuite de persoane care sufera de astm.
Pentru intretinerea protezei dentare
Un periaj rapid cu otet alb de mere va face sa straluceasca protezele dentare, suprimandu-le si mirosul neplacut. Daca lasati toata noaptea proteza in apa, adaugati si o jumatate de lingura de otet.
Un amestec simplu de substante non-toxice care elimina murdaria si chiar dezinfecteaza. Puteti gasi ingredientele necesare chiar in dulapul de acasa sau la magazinul din cartier:
  • bicarbonat de sodiu;
  • otet de alcool (nu de vin);
  • apa calda;
  • ulei esential de lamaie sau de eucalipt.
Pentu a obtine detergentul universal , veti avea nevoie de un bidon de 2 litri.
  1. Puneti 2 linguri mari de bicarbonat de sodiu in bidon.
  2. Adaugati 2 litri de apa calda si apoi amestecati
  3. Separat, intr-un pahar, amestecati 3 linguri de ulei esential si 3 linguri de otet.
  4. Adaugati amestecul in bidon.
  5. Agitati bidonul – gata!
  6. Inchideti ermetic bidonul pentru o conservare buna.
Inainte de fiecare utilizare agitati bine bidonul. Puteti sa curatati toate suprafetele si puteti chiar sa dezinfectati toaletele.

Cateva retete usor de retinut si preparat:

Solutie de spalat parchetul
  • 1/4 ceasca otet alb
  • 3l apa calda
  • 2-4 picaturi ulei esential de eucalipt (sau dupa preferinte)
Solutie de lustruit mobila
  • 1/2 ceasca otet alb
  • 1 lingurita ulei masline (sau mai putin)
  • Se amesteca si se lustruieste mobila cu o carpa curata.
Solutie de curatat geamurile
  • 1 ceasca otet alb
  • 1 lingura suc de lamaie
  • 3 cesti apa
  • 2-3 picaturi ulei esential
Solutie de curatat in baie
Puneti pe o laveta umeda putin bicarbonat de sodiu si putin otet. Curatati. Pentru tusa finala, aplicati pe laveta cu care stergeti 2 picaturi de ulei esential. Personal, folosesc uleiul de eucalipt, care se gaseste in farmacii naturiste. Lasa un miros de proaspat, plus ca este un bun adjuvant pentru raceala si nas infundat, uleiul esential de eucalipt fiind un ingredient optim si pentru infuzii. Mai nou, am inceput sa experimentez cu uleiul esential de lavanda, care lasa o aroma relaxanta.
Solutie universala de curatare
  • 1 lingura bicarbonat de sodiu
  • 1 lingura suc de lamaie
  • 1/2 ceasca apa fierbinte
  • Puneti toate ingredientele intr-o sticla cu spray si agitati bine inainte de folosire.
Solutie de lustruit metalul
Cupru si alama:
  • 2 linguri sare
  • putin otet alb
  • Faceti o pasta, la care puteti adauga faina ca sa nu fie prea abraziva.
Inox :
  • bicarbonat de sodiu
  • otet alb
  • Bicarbonatul se aplica cu o carpa umeda, iar otetul se foloseste pentru eliminarea petelor.
Solutie pentru bucatarie
Daca stoarceti lamai pentru limonada, nu aruncati cojile. Cu interiorul lor puteti rapid da luciu chiuvetei. Mai mult, adaugand in interiorul lamaii stoarse putina sare marina sau bicarbonat de sodiu, veti obtine si un efect dezinfectant.
Pentru eliminarea mirosurilor neplacute din frigider
Puneti in frigider un mic recipient deschis continand bicarbonat de sodiu. Probabil e un remediu de cand lumea si chiar functioneaza.
Bateriile de inox se curata cu otet fierbinte in care se dizolva sare grunjoasa. Luciul este perfect, se curata foarte bine, incomparabil cu orice chimicala. La fel se curata si chiuveta de inox din bucatarie.
Spray antibacterian pentru suprafete
Combina aceste 2 ingrediente intr-un tub gen spray:
  • 1 lingurita ulei esential de menta sau rozmarin,
  • 1 cana otet alb.
Se foloseste pe suprafetele tari, neporoase, din locuinta, pentru a elimina germenii. Nu se foloseste in exces, caci unii germeni sunt benefici pentru sistemul imunitar, oricat de urat ar suna asta.

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